Locations and times of Penance Service available here
Reconciliation Times & Locations, Page 6-B of the March 1, 2019 Issue of the Catholic Commentator
Personal Video Testimony on the Sacrament of Reconciliation
“The peace, relief, comfort, joy, and the happiness of someone who has made a
sincere and honest confession are indescribable.”
Printable Resources
These resources are all available for print for fliers, bulletins, etc.. Please make them available to parishioners. Text is clickable.
Act of Contrition
The Act of Contrition can be downloaded, printed, and used in the confessional to promote the Light is On For You campaign this Lent:
Examination of Conscience
Here we offer examinations of conscience oriented in different ways:
Rite of Reconciliation
This Rite of Reconciliation handout is good for those new to the sacrament of reconciliation and those who have been participating in the sacrament regularly.
On Penance
Here is a short catechesis that can be used about the sacrament of reconciliation.